Estonian Museum Association
Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412

Compiler: Mariann Raisma,
Development director of Estonian History Museum
Translator: Katre Koit
Design: Laborint
Many thanks for cooperation: Urmas Dresen, Ildike Jaagosild, Kaie Jeeser, Sirje Karis, Anu Kivilo, Kurmo Konsa, Ülle Kruus, Inge Kukk, Peeter Mauer, Eve Peets, Helgi Põllo, Andrus Rumm, Virve Tuubel, Andres Tvauri and other kind people.
We also acknowledge all Estonian museums for their kind support.
Special thanks to Peter van Mensch
Estonian Museums’ Information Centre was realised with the help of UNESCO Participation Programme.
Many thanks!