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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / County museums

 Katariina allee 11, 65608 Võru, Võru maakond
 78 24 479, 78 21 939
 78 21 939
 Wed–Sun 11–18 / Advance notice required Mon-Tue 9-16
This interesting and abundant permanent exposition gives a detailed survey of the history of Võru County from the Stone Age to the present. The exposition of archaeological findings and ethnographic objects, a Seto hut, a tailor's and shoemaker's workshop, the corner of Kriisa organ masters, a room from a manor house and a partisan's bunker form the interiors of the museum. In the exhibition halls of the museum fund exhibitions, art and handicraft exhibitions as well as photo and book exhibitions are held.

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