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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / Topical index

 Põhja pst 29, Tallinn 10415
 620 9020
 5331 7307
 Mon-Fri 10-19, Sat-Sun 11-19

With the 3000 m2 of exhibition area Energy Discovery Centre is focused on science, physics and math and mostly targeted to children and families. The centre houses seven permanent exhibitions on the history of producing energy and electricity, classical physics, sounds and optics, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy and temporary exhibitions, started by an exhibition based on geometry. Along with the historical power plant interior, the centre houses more than 100 interactive hands-on exhibits. We have a planetarium for virtual space programmes and joyful science theatre programs, which introduce interesting scientific cases. We have a Tesla coil in a Faraday cage, which generates lightning up to 3 meters, so you will see a unique demonstration of lightning!

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