Estonian Museum Association
Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412
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Lossi 25, 51003 Tartu
737 5677, 737 5674
737 5679
Tue–Sun 10–18 (May–Sept.), Wed–Sun 11–17 (Oct.–Apr.)
University of Tartu Museum with its exposition of the history of the university and development of science is one of the biggest history museums working at a university in Europe. The exposition displays the history of University of Tartu in 1632-2008; its exhibitions give a survey of the problems of the history of science and social life. There are special programs for schoolchildren. The museum has a concert hall with good acoustics and a conference room. The museum is located in the Tartu Dome Church built in the 13th- 15 th century. From April to November the towers serve as viewing platforms to the city.
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