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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / Alphabetical index

 Lossihoov 1, 93815 Kuressaare
 45 56 307
 45 57 556
 1.05.–31.08. Every day 10–19, 1.09.–30.04. Wed–Sun 11–19

Saaremaa Research Society, founded by local intellectuals, laid a basis to the collections of Saaremaa Museum. A visitor can roam about in the best-preserved medieval citadel in the Baltic region that was built as the residence the Bishop of Saare-Lääne in the 14th century. The convent-building type fortress is a superb example of Late Gothic architecture. The permanent exposition of history gives an overview of the peculiar past of the county from ancient times to 1940. The permanent exposition of natural history introduces local flora, fauna and geology. In summer a café is open on the upper floor of the tower.

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