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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / Alphabetical index

 Jaama 1, Kohtla-Nõmme, 30503 Ida-Virumaa
 332 4017
 5326 9344
 1.05–30.09 Tue–Sat 11-19, Sun–Mon 11–17; 1.10–30.04 Tue–Sat 10–18

In Kohtla Mining Park-Museum there is a unique possibility to visit underground mining galleries and get a survey of the profession of an oil-shale miner. The museum displays over ten working mining machines. Among other things you can enjoy a ride in an underground train, try boring with a miner’s bore and have a hearty miner’s lunch in an underground miner canteen. On the ground there is an oil-shale sorting complex and an exposition of the means of transport used in oil-shale production.

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