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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / Geographical index

 Kotzebue 16, 10411 Tallinn
 641 3491
 644 1574
 Wed–Sun 10.30–18 (Nov 1–Feb 28 10.30–17)

The Children's Museum is located at Kalamaja, the oldest suburb of Tallinn, in a house constructed as a residential building by the design of architect Herbert Johanson in the 1930ies. The museum was opened in 1986 and it was called the Doll Museum then. Toys, board and pastime games, paper dolls, doll houses, dollhouse furniture and dishes collected within the decades can be seen at the museum. The oldest doll dates back to the first half of the 18th century, the most fashionable is Barbie, of course. Various events for pre-school children and junior pupils take place at the museum.

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