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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


 In English / Museums / Estonian museums / Geographical index

 Kääpa küla, Saare vald, 49323 Jõgeva maakond
 773 4896
 5345 8343
 776 2031
 1.05-30.09 Tue-Sat 10-16; 1.10-30.04 Mon-Fri 10-16

Kalevipoeg Museum together with archaic gates and a garden is located in Vooremaa in the midst of the furrows of Kalevipoeg, related to the epic folk legends.
The museum accommodates 10 topical rooms. The places and legends, the plot, the various editions of the national epic, the national epics of other nations, the works of art and souvenirs depicting Kalevipoeg and Kalevipoeg captivated in hell (the Occupation Room) are displayed in three rooms. In other rooms the educational and social life of the parish of Saare, the study aids and equipment from different periods, women’s handicraft throughout the years and various records documenting the violence committed against the inhabitants of the parish by the Soviet power are displayed.

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