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Estonian Museum Association

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu, tel 735 0412


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 Pikk 3, 46202 Väike-Maarja, Lääne-Virumaa
 32 61 625
 1.05.–30.09. Tue–Sat 10–17, 1.10.–30.04. Mon–Fri 10–17

The museum which is located in a former parish schoolhouse was established by Väike-Maarja kolkhoz to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the farm. The museum gives a unique overview of the development of one of the most successful collective farms in Estonia from the first years of the Soviet occupation until the dissolution of the kolkhoz in 1993. The second part of the exposition introduces the cultural history of Väike-Maarja township and its neighbourhood from the last quarter of the 19th century until WWII. During this period the lives of Georg Lurich and Anton Hansen Tammsaare were connected with Väike-Maarja, the so-called Parnassus of Väike-Maarja was famous all over Estonia.

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